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Welcome to the Fino programming language documentation. Fino is a statically typed, general purpose, functional programming language. It primarily takes inspiration from Haskell and other languages of the ML family.

Fino is designed with simplicity in mind. It offers an easy-to-read syntax and an expressive type system, all while maintaining a small set of features. Additionally, Fino aims to address some common issues / inconveniences presented by the programming languages it takes inspiration from (Haskell). For example: it is strictly evaluated and allows side effects, its records are not syntactic sugar, it uses a built-in data type for strings, and the module system is very simple and intuitive (albeit lacking many planned features at the moment).

At the moment, Fino is not in a usable state (i.e. code generation is not completed yet). The compiler is planned to primarily target C, and additionally in the future, JavaScript.

For an informal specification of the programming language's current syntax, visit this link.

Here is a rough outline of the progress so far:

  • Syntax, tokenization, parsing
  • Basic module system
  • Module verification (topological sorting, cycle detection)
  • Name resolution
  • User-defined prefix, infix, and postfix operators
  • Hindley-Milner type inference
  • Algebraic data types
  • Records with scoped labels
  • Traits (i.e. Haskell typeclasses)
  • Monomorphization
  • Closure conversion / lambda lifting
  • Code generation (to C)
  • ...